Air New Zealand Nears Net Zero with First 500,000-Litre Sustainable Aviation Fuel Delivery in Wellington

Air New Zealand Nears Net Zero with First 500,000-Litre Sustainable Aviation Fuel Delivery in Wellington

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Air New Zealand has taken another significant step towards its goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 with the receipt of its first shipment of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in Wellington. This marks the airline’s inaugural delivery of SAF to the nation’s capital city.

The 500,000-liter shipment, equivalent to fueling 165 A320 flights between Auckland and Wellington, was manufactured by EcoCeres in China using 100 percent used cooking oil. The fuel was supplied and blended by Exxon Mobil. This delivery of SAF represents a life-cycle carbon emissions savings of at least 80 percent compared to traditional fossil jet fuel.

Kiri Hannifin, Air New Zealand’s Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer, emphasized the importance of this transition. “Moving away from purely using fossil fuels for Air New Zealand’s operations is critical,” she stated.

This delivery to Wellington is a crucial part of Air New Zealand’s ongoing efforts to reduce its environmental impact and transition towards more sustainable aviation practices.

“As the main driver of climate change, the global economy, including New Zealand, must rapidly transition away from our high reliance on fossil fuels.  For a small island nation in the South Pacific, alternatives are even more important because we are heavily reliant on flying to connect with each other in our own country, as well as when we travel abroad.  Aviation also plays a very important role supporting New Zealand’s trade and tourism sectors. 

“To keep doing all these activities which enrich our country’s economy we must act as quickly as we can to transition to a lower-carbon future.  At the moment, SAF is the key way aviation will move towards this. 

“Airlines are signing supply arrangements for SAF 10 years into the future and beyond, so we need to be part of the picture from the start otherwise New Zealand may fall behind.  While the volumes of SAF we are buying are very small compared to the amount of fossil jet fuel we use, they give an important signal to alternative fuel producers that we are open for business,” says Ms Hannifin

“We’ve seen increased international momentum around SAF in the past few months, with airlines, governments, airports, and fuel companies all getting on board with alternative fuels at pace.  

“From 2026, our aircraft will be required to uplift SAF when we fly home from Singapore and Vancouver. Japan has announced a SAF requirement from 2030, and other countries are also making signals that SAF will be mandated for all airlines for outbound flights including in Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and China.  

“These moves across different jurisdictions are being put in place to stimulate and fast track the production of alternative fuels and encourage oil and gas companies to speed up their transition away from fossil fuels.”  

Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says, “Transport energy accounts for 18 percent of New Zealand’s total emissions, so it is encouraging to see the industry take steps towards sustainable practices as New Zealand transitions to a low emissions future.”  

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recently announced that the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is expected to triple in 2024. Despite this significant increase, SAF will still only supply 0.53 percent of total aviation fuel needs.

Air New Zealand is proactively exploring opportunities for local production of alternative jet fuels and is currently engaged in two feasibility studies aimed at this goal.

Notes to Editors

  • This SAF shipment will be utilized on Air New Zealand’s ATR aircraft.
  • The 500,000-liter delivery, made from used cooking oil, will be incorporated into New Zealand’s jet fuel supply.
  • Sustainable aviation fuel significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions on a lifecycle basis compared to conventional jet fuel. It is designed to be a direct replacement for traditional fossil-based jet fuel, and once blended, it can be used in existing aircraft and infrastructure without requiring significant modifications.
  • SAF is derived from renewable sources such as plant oils, waste oils, agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, and woody biomass, offering up to an 80% reduction in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions.

The post Air New Zealand Nears Net Zero with First 500,000-Litre Sustainable Aviation Fuel Delivery in Wellington appeared first on Travel And Tour World.

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Air New Zealand Nears Net Zero with First 500,000-Litre Sustainable Aviation Fuel Delivery in Wellington

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