Social Media Lights Up After Couple Comes Clean About Husband’s Breastfeeding Habit On TLC’s ‘My Strange Addiction’

Social Media Lights Up After Couple Comes Clean About Husband’s Breastfeeding Habit On TLC’s ‘My Strange Addiction’

Social media lit up with commentary on Aug. 23, after a married couple named Rachel and Alexander Bailey appeared on TLC’s hit show My Strange Addiction. Let’s just cut to the chase. Rachel loves breastfeeding her husband, and she feeds him nearly a pint of breast milk every day, according to Wednesday’s bizarre episode.

We know what you’re thinking. Is it some kind of weird kink?

Not at all. 

During a confessional, Rachel, who overproduces milk, told viewers that her breastfeeding habit wasn’t a luxury but a “necessity” due to her issues with Mastitis, a painful infection that can occur when breast milk gets backed up into the milk ducts. “My breasts will go from flat to hard as rock super engorged breasts because of just so much milk,” the mother of three shared in a clip from the show posted to TikTok Aug. 24.

To prevent infection, swelling and discomfort, Rachel has Alexander step in to help drain her excess milk. “I definitely need my husband. I personally don’t like breast pumps because I just don’t like that mechanical part of it all. It doesn’t feel good. It’s not natural for me,” the matriarch explained.  

Breastfeeding has also helped the doting wife to form a closer “bond” with her husband over the past two years. “We’ve been fully breastfeeding and he drinks it. I mean three times a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Sometimes a snack,” she added. 

That’s a lot of breast milk.

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Naturally, social media weighed in on the bizarre addiction after the episode aired on Wednesday. Some users were absolutely shocked by Rachel’s breastfeeding fixation. Other netizens pondered whether Alexander got turned on by sipping on his wife’s milk. 

Alexander loves the taste of his wife’s milk. 

Before the couple made their viral appearance on My Strange Addiction, Rachel and Alexander opened up about their breastfeeding dependency on their joint YouTube Channel in October 2021. 

While traveling on a cruise with friends and family, Rachel said that her breasts became engorged and swollen to the point that they had turned blue. The couple left their kids at home to enjoy quality time together, and she forgot to bring her breast pump. Frustrated and left with no other choice, Rachel asked her husband if he would help to alleviate her backed-up milk ducts. 

Alexander happily stepped in, and he’s been hooked on her breast milk ever since. He described the taste of her milk as “sweet liquid gold.”

“That’s why I be asking for breast milk all the time,” the patriarch laughed. “A cup of breast milk tastes really good.”

Is breastfeeding your partner okay? 

Breastfeeding your husband is totally okay. Generally, there’s no harm in it, according to health experts. But if you don’t have anyone to feed on, be careful about buying breast milk online. According to Parents, purchasing breast milk off of sketchy websites can expose you to “food-borne illnesses.”

Some men may just want to try it out of curiosity, but there are a few hubbies out there in the world who truly enjoy not only the taste but the bonding experience that breastfeeding can create.

In Japan, there’s a bar called Bonyu Bar where men will pay top dollar to purchase freshly squeezed breast milk or to sip it straight from one of the bar’s “nursing mothers,” according to the Tokyo Reporter.

Patrons at Bonyu Bar pay anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 yen to get their breast milk fix in, and if they opt to suckle breast milk straight from the source, they can dish out a little extra to have their head caressed and coddled by one of the nursing employees.

Erotic lactation could also be the cause. Some men and women get aroused by breastfeeding or sipping on their partner’s milk. Women tend to experience more breast stimulation around the nipple area during this time, so they may enjoy the sensation of feeding their partner, according to Very Well Family. Some couples engage in erotic lactation to spice up their sex lives.

Well, hey, if Rachel and Alexander love it, who are we to judge, right? 

Did you watch Wednesday’s episode of My Strange Addiction? What did you think?


RELATED CONTENT:  Breaking the Negative Stigma of Black Breastfeeding: The Historic Trauma  

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Social Media Lights Up After Couple Comes Clean About Husband’s Breastfeeding Habit On TLC’s ‘My Strange Addiction’

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